Initial Configuration of Seed Appliances

  • Drobo NAS seed devices must be configured using the Drobo Dashboard utility

  • SuperMicro Seed Servers are configured like a normal Windows Server, your Service Manager will provide the local credentials to the server

    • Configure a NIC on the server to your network

    • If available use 10Gb networking instead of the 1Gb Ethernet

    • There is a data drive already configured (typically D: or E: drive)

Adding Seed Devices to Veeam

  • Drobo NAS devices must be added as Network Attached Storage

  • SuperMicro Servers can be added as either Network Attached or Direct Attached Storage

  • Adding Repositories in Veeam 


  • During Repository Setup, you MUST enable 'Per-VM Backup Files'.  This is in step 4 of the guide, sub-step 3 in the Advanced Settings

Using Seed Devices for Backup Copy Job Seeding

  • Create your Backup Copy Job like normal, and set the target as the seed repository you added.  Once uploaded, we'll just switch the target to the Cloud Repository.

  • When naming your Backup Copy Jobs, please follow the guidelines listed below.  Not following these naming conventions will result in an unsupported configuration.​

    • Allowed alphanumeric characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9

    • Allowed special characters: _ - . + = @ ^

    • Must not contain spaces; use underscores in their place

Using Seed Devices for Replication Job Seeding

  • Create a normal backup job (not Replication) for all VMs that you will want to replicate, setting the target as the seed repository.  We will use this backup job as seed data for the Replication Job later on.

Data Seeding